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Sandoz represents the global leader in the segment of generic and biosimilar drugs. At Sandoz, they discover new ways to improve people’s quality of life and strive to play a leading role in increasing the availability of medicines in the world. Sandoz implements specific programs in the field of corporate responsibility aimed at responding to specific needs in the field of health care in poor communities, promoting the availability of medical information and building medical capacities. Healthcare workers around the world believe that Sandoz is a symbol of high-quality medicines at an affordable price, which it has proven throughout its history of numerous innovations. From the first oral penicillin in 1951 to the first biosimilar drugs in Europe and the USA.

The foundation of Sandoz’s success is built on the creativity, dedication and achievements of its employees. As part of the Novartis group, Sandoz employees can take full advantage of the exchange of knowledge and best practices that takes place between the different business divisions of Novartis. The personal development of employees is constantly in the focus of Sandoz’s operations, which does everything to ensure that employees remain the most important source of its competitive advantage on the market.

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