The positive trend of promoting female leaders that has developed within a few years at Erste Bank is just one of the many indicators of excellent human resource management.
That’s why Erste Bank is recognized as part of the prestigious group of holders of the Employer Partner certificate who, with excellent and well-connected HR practices, have met the new criteria of the certification team, thereby confirming the importance of investing in employees – from the first to the last day in the organization.
For more than 20 years, Erste has been developing successful HR practices and implementing the latest global practices that have a positive impact on the development of the organization. With an elaborate recruitment plan and long-term recruitment strategy, through nine different channels with informative and attractive job advertisements, Erste successfully finds and retains numerous talents. With the “Vezica” referral program, Erste promotes a culture of feedback and rewards employees.

Acquiring competencies and keeping employee well-being at the center of the organization
For new employees to adapt easily, Erste Bank has developed a thorough onboarding process during which it defines key and leadership competencies of employees. Existing employees can thus become internal trainers in addition to regular training programs, and many other forms of internal academies and education are available. It is interesting that employee development during training is additionally measured using the Erste Guru platform.
At Erste Bank, there are many benefits for employees, such as training on burnout prevention and various other topics related to mental health protection, and initiatives such as #radimpametno. Employees find a balance between commitment and flexibility, create mutual trust and respect, and build a motivating and relaxed work environment.
In addition to setting realistic deadlines and effectively separating private and business life, Erste Bank can truly boast of high-quality applied HR practices.