Erste Bank Montenegro: Focus on employees even in challenging times

Erste Bank Montenegro truly invests in quality working conditions, which is why it has met the standards for the Employer Partner certificate for the fourth year in a row.

“In addition to the excellent results achieved in this year’s certification, we have observed significant progress in several processes that the Bank is already working on. These efforts will undoubtedly be rewarded in the next certification process if they continue on their current path, which is the essence of the annual certificate renewal. This renewal requires the continuous meeting of high standards and ongoing progress towards satisfying the needs of employees, thereby improving the company’s business results.
Despite the challenging transformation you were undergoing, transparency and employee well-being remained your primary focus, which was evident in the significant improvement in your certification results. The entire team can be truly proud of this achievement!”
– said Lara Šubić Šuša, manager of the Employer Partner project

Over the past year, the Bank has increased its investments in employee education. All employees have clearly defined individual development plans, and the employee satisfaction index regarding learning opportunities is a high 95%. Additionally, employees have access to various monetary and non-monetary benefits, health care initiatives, and flexible working arrangements.

Feedback leads to improved working conditions

Financial investments in employee education have significantly increased, and the Bank is also working on implementing new initiatives to strengthen employee engagement in business improvement. Various development activities are available to everyone, and the company regularly takes employee feedback on educational programs into account to continuously enhance them. Therefore, it is gratifying to see that satisfaction with learning opportunities within the company is high. Collecting feedback on development opportunities is just one example of how Erste Bank Montenegro approaches business development in both directions – from the bottom up and from the top down.

The company carefully monitors the needs and desires of employees regarding motivation, quality of communication with management, the reward system, work-life balance, team relationships, HR, and other key areas for a quality work experience. Additionally, it ensures clearly defined competencies for career development and advancement, as well as the transparent and fair internal hiring process.

“We are proud to be the holder of the Employer Partner certificate for the fourth consecutive year. This entails continuously achieving high standards in human resource management and improving them year after year, as well as applying the best market practices. This year, we have made significant progress in many areas and maintained good results in others. I would especially highlight diversity, care for employees, and their financial well-being, which we will continue to work on in the coming period,” said Tatjana Keković, Director of the Human Resources Department at Erste Bank Montenegro.

The Employer Partner project has truly accelerated the introduction of desirable HR practices in the region. Over 18 years, the project has conducted 20,000 evaluations of HR systems, giving the certification team in-depth insight into all types of organizations. Each year, around a hundred organizations apply for the certificate, continuously transforming over 100 HR systems across 10 markets.

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