By having outstanding human resource management practices McDonald’s has earned Employer Partner status for the fourth year in a row, which made them the synonym for a company that cares about employees. According to an in-depth analysis of HR consultants from the SELECTIO Group, McDonald’s has demonstrated a superior strategy for human resource management, excellent talent acquisition processes, and above-average employee performance and development management.
The development of the company is based on motivated employees
According to recent research, employees in Croatia are most often dissatisfied with the possibilities of professional development in the workplace, which is why they are looking for a new job. That is why employers who decide to invest in employees keep motivated individuals who over time expand the range of skills, better master tasks, and become more productive and satisfied. Employee education not only fosters a sense of value, but shows that the employer cares about the future of their team.
That is why we commend McDonald’s, which last year invested over 4.5 million kuna in employee education, and provided 40 hours of training through mentoring for 2,271 workers in 2021. Insight into McDonald’s HR practices, we saw that each employee gets the opportunity to attend an education that is in the plan of development and talent management. Students are offered various educations that are adapted depending on how long they have been working and in what position. There are also internal training at the Croatian level and trainings that take place on a global level, for all McDonald’s employees, and continuous trainings are conducted on a daily basis at all levels. These practices prove that McDonald’s cares about the safety and future of employees, which is more important today than ever before – said Martina Kessler, Head of Organizational Development Solutions, Employer Partner.

We are glad to be recognized as an Employer Partner this year as well. Our goal is to be a reliable employer in which employees see a partner with whom they can reach their full potential and at the same time achieve a balance of private and business life. This certificate is a reminder of all the good we do, but also an incentive for further improvement – said Pavel Pavliček, CEO of McDonald’s Croatia
Defined development goals for each employee
At McDonald’s, every employee has a development plan from day one, according to which they receive guidelines for growth, development and progress. Initial training, mentors, follow up, share points and learning support are just some of the tools McDonald’s uses to introduce employees to the business.
It is interesting that the work performance of employees has been monitored since 1996 when the first McDonald’s in Croatia was opened. It is therefore not surprising that clearly defined goals are set for each employee. Individual development plans are part of a talent management program that includes all employees, who are recognized as the potential for advancement. – said Martina Kessler.