For 21 years Nelt has been successfully developing excellent HR practices. Now, it has also met the high criteria of independent HR experts from the Employer Partner certification team. With this certificate, Nelt has confirmed the best HR practices and has become a part of a prestigious group of employers with proven quality human resource management.
Nelt has various initiatives that make a difference in the company, such as the “Pronađi kolegu” program through which employees who recommend a candidate receive a reward. All new employees and internal transfers go through a structured onboarding process and almost all have individual development plans, and more than 10 types of development activities are available to them in order to adapt to the organizational culture and develop their competencies. Through various communication channels, a culture of continuous feedback and praise is encouraged through the “Pohvali kolegu” program, which strengthens team spirit and creates a positive work environment.

We are extremely proud to be recognized as a company with excellent HR practices and proven quality in human resource management. Motivated, we continue towards additional investment, modernization and improvement of the experience of our employees, said Ivana Idei Todorić, Talent Management Manager from Nelt Group.
Our company successfully passed the assessment by independent HR experts and was recognized as a company with excellent HR practices and proven quality in human resources management, which we are extremely proud of, added Bojana Mucić, Executive Director of Human Resources.
The methodology of the Employer Partner certificate was designed in 2005 and has been continuously revised since then. More than 50 top HR experts were included in this year’s audit, and the standards were defined based on the world’s best HR practices.
The Employer Partner certification team assessed the human resources system through the employee lifecycle, which tracks the employee experience through seven key stages: attraction and recruitment, onboarding and employee development, employee engagement and satisfaction, transformation and growth, retention and rewards, and offboarding. For the first time, this kind of evaluation looks equally at two perspectives – the perspective of the employer and the perspective of the employee.
Today, Employer Partner has been implemented in more than two hundred organizations from over ten countries, and it is interesting that some organizations have included the certificate as a key indicator of the success of the HR sector, which makes it much more than recognition.