These are 5 characteristics of excellent employers

Can we recognise whether it is an organisation that invests in the quality of the working environment, already by the details in the job advertisement? Consultants who have conducted over 20,000 HR system evaluations say we can.

If you are thinking about finding new business challenges and researching companies that offer them, it would be best to stop for a moment before submitting your application for a specific position. First of all, think about whether that organization cherishes the same values ​​that you cherish, and whether you would be a good ‘fit’ for such a corporative culture.

If you like the job description and if you like the culture that the organization communicates ‘on the outside’, try to detect indicators of a quality work environment (so-called ‘green flags’).

These 5 indicators most often show that it is an excellent employer:

1. Transparency

As employers rightfully expect transparency from their workers in matters such as expertise and competence, employees also expect transparency and fair compensation for their efforts and engagement. Every organization that has the Employer Partner certificate is based on a transparent reward system that is clearly and unambiguously presented to all employees.

In such work environments, you will be regularly rewarded according to your work efficiency, successes and specific contributions. Depending on work tasks and market needs, your employer will not hesitate to update and optimize the reward system.

In some cases, you can even know what to expect before the job interview. It is a good sign if the job ad already states the planned amount range for the position you are applying for, as well as the benefits and working conditions that await you. On the other hand, you can easily check the transparency of salary and conditions during the job interview itself. Answer questions such as: is there a systematization of jobs and pay grades in the organization, is there a catalogue of benefits, and what are the non-taxable salary supplements that come as part of the whole package.

2. Opportunities for learning and development

Pay attention to the education and opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills that the potential employer offers you. It is always a good sign if employees are provided with time and budget for learning and education. Organizations holding the Employer Partner certificate set aside certain financial resources for learning new or establishing existing skills and knowledge. An excellent sign is if the organization has a defined financial investment in additional training in relation to the employee’s net salary.

In an environment that encourages constant growth and progress, your career will certainly have room for development. Equipped with a new set of skills, you can be sure that you will be better prepared than ever for whatever challenges lie ahead.

3. Open, honest and authentic communication

Developing a quality relationship based on respect is the responsibility of each employee, as well as the employer. Look for a work environment where team members are encouraged to communicate openly with management and where you will be able to express without hesitation how much you are truly overwhelmed by work and how much you understand your work tasks. You will then minimize the possibility of burnout, which most often occurs precisely because of an excessive amount of work, but also unclear communication that leaves employees confused and frustrated.

Rely on your skills in reading non-verbal communication and assess how open and honest the person on the other end is. In addition to non-verbal communication that suggests authenticity, pay attention to the answers – whether they are ‘packaged’ in phrases that do not say anything concrete, or whether the employer offers clear examples based on which you can judge what kind of organizational culture it really is.

4. Constructive feedback

We believe that you know how important quality feedback is in the workplace and how it can affect professional development. An employer who is eligible for the Employer Partner certificate takes feedback very seriously. In such business environments, the HR department encourages managers to give their teams praise for a job well done, as well as constructive criticism that will be a good direction for their work.

Such companies will want to hear your opinion about business processes, and you will be able to express it without fear in interviews, surveys and conversations with team leaders. This is because their managers and HR people understand that giving feedback is a good practice without which there are no positive developments. To test a potential employer’s feedback skills during a job interview, you can ask questions related to the tasks they had in the elimination process or ask for feedback on a test you completed.

5. Educated managers and team leaders

When we already mention team leaders, we cannot ignore the importance of their competence as well as the whole set of skills they should have. Companies that foster a pleasant work environment continuously invest in their managers. Thanks to the structured processes, managers can improve their leadership skills and are regularly educated on human resources management topics.

Being an expert in a field and handling terminology is not the same as successfully leading employees, so look for companies that recognize the importance of investing in managers and teaching them how to be leaders employees need and the dynamics of today’s business demand.

Use the advantages of LinkedIn to prepare for the interview and check the person you will speak with who will potentially be your new superior. Pay attention to the skills that the manager has on his profile and look for certificates that prove investment in professional development. Specific leadership skills such as Team Leadership, Coaching, Soft Skills and Decision-Making suggest expertise and credibility. The completed Leadership Academy shows you that your new supervisor is a competent manager who knows how to manage teams, conflicts and differences and respects feedback from team members.

In addition to the SELECTIO Leadership Academy certificates that managers and team leaders may have, some other certificates may suggest an organizational culture that encourages excellence and care for employees. Desirable employers and a stimulating work environment can thus be recognized by certificates such as Employer Partner, Above and Beyond, Future Resilience and Equal Pay Champion.

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